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Writer's pictureposhbykionna

My Journey to doing hair.

People always ask " what made you start doing hair?" and its funny they ask because I never wanted to do hair. My plan was to be like a lawyer, judge, doctor, nurse ... you know somewhere in a field where I was told, its the best route to take in life. Especially if we want some REAL money. " Go to college ,get a degree" I heard it before until 19 and pregnant "whelp that ain't for me." I thought there was noway I would be able to achieve such accomplishments and about to become a mommy but, I didn't give up. I took my first step in the medical field. Going from house to house cleaning, cooking, running errands, passing meds and keeping them company. I did that for 4 years loved the company and had about 3 favorite clients. Really? I ask myself after 4 years these people (the families) still have no heart to care and wholeheartedly appreciate the fact someone else leaves there family to come take care and check on theirs? Now that's a different kind of unappreciative. Those people will take advantage of you if you let them so, long story short I got a word from my intuition one day while at work sitting with one of my patients. I heard something which stated how I needed to look up hair schools. I didn't want to do that so i ignored the sign but couldn't understand why i even thought that. So again " look up hair schools" it said but this time it was more like Im not gonna tell you anymore to look up a hair school so, I did and found one... Lemme you, it was one of the most challenging challenges Iv'e ever had to grow through. I then new it was divined for me to do hair and to never work for anyone else again so I got comfortable because i knew i'd be doing this for a looonnng time. Unti.....

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